Friday, February 27, 2015

That Stupid Dress

So I am sure that all of you are just as annoyed with this stupid dress thing as I am. At least I hope you are. Once I got home last night a friend of mine asked me if I had seen anything on Twitter about this dress. I had no idea what she was talking about so I checked Twitter to see what the rage was all about. Sure enough, my feed was covered with people so confused, upset, and outraged about the color of this dress. Within seconds I was annoyed with all of the media coverage about something so stupid. This morning I was checking Facebook and yup, you guessed it, there were countless links to sites with actual articles concerning the color of this dress. Is this really what we are worried about right now? Who cares what color it is, who cares if its black and blue or if its white and gold, who cares if its some trick your eyes are playing or if its just the brightness on your phone. WHO CARES. The media should not be covering stuff like this when there are things with much more importance going on in the world. Especially when its something as stupid and useless as the color of a dress. Okay, rant over.

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