Friday, April 10, 2015


There were a couple things that stuck with me after watching the Katz documentary. One being when the Bumfights films were being discussed. A man was interviewed saying how it was hard to defend something so absurd (referring to the Bumfights). This made me question why someone would support something that was so insane that they couldn't even defend it? If I cant come up with any good reasoning as to why something should be around, then that is reason enough that it is not a good idea. Another thing that stuck with me is a question that was brought up during our group discussion. Many students were asking/answering the question of what we can do to change the violence. To a point, I can agree with many of the students opinions regarding parenting and other influences. However, at the end of the day, the only people we can control are ourselves. We can do anything in our power to influence or help a person be less violent now and in their future, but only they can stop themselves. As much as we may like to be the ones to make a change, we can only change how we live and not how someone else does. If we can get people to realize their own actions are harmful to the point where they can change them on their own, then we can hopefully start to see a world with less violence. 

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